Hi, I'm Tiffany!

My life’s purpose is to help others to remember who they truly
are so that they may thrive. Using modern and ancient
healing practices, we can clear barriers to your experiencing
abundance, prosperity, and fulfillment, together. You begin by
simply saying yes to allowing it all to happen for you. It is the
greatest gift you can give to yourself and everyone in your life!

Welcome to my Healing   Space

About Me

Work With Me

About What Is Possible

I have always wanted to help people. Although my formal training is in law, navigating the role of mother and wife, sister and daughter, friend and community member, has easily shaped me more. After my children were born, the need for tools to navigate the overwhelm and demands of a bustling household and a consistently traveling husband became a necessity for what seemed like survival. I wanted to be the perfect mother, wife, and household manager - yet I lacked the tools, support and resources. When I found mindfulness, meditation, and yoga - my prayers were answered.

Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to have been able to study and train in multiple modalities for healing that have changed my life in miraculous ways. I can honestly say that these practices have helped me to move beyond a life experience of barely surviving to that of deep joy, profound love, and daily gratitude. It is my heart’s desire to share these practices and bring Joy to as many people as possible.

And what Is Possible?

In a space of nonjudgmental and loving awareness, together  we can uncover and address that which may be at the core or root of struggle, suffering, or failure to thrive. Using a heart-centered approach and various forms of guided meditation practices, as well as the healing practice of ancestral clearing, energy medicine techniques, affirmative prayer, and EFT Tapping, along with various embodiment practices such as kundalini yoga and somatic movement, we can create lasting healing and bring about profound  transformation. Clients are also aided in growing their own spiritual practice, expanding their Life Vision, and discovering their Soul Purpose. All modalities may be applied in group settings, with couples, families, and  children, in addition to private one on one sessions. Each session is unique and intuitively tailored for the individual's most expansive growth and profound transformation.  

About This Work

As we move through life, we accumulate many experiences. As we feel them and move through them, some may move through rapidly and ease-fully, and others may stick, mentally and emotionally, causing us to reassess, consciously or subconsciously, what happened in those experiences over and over again. These experiences become beliefs about life that feel like truths in our bodies and create beliefs about ourselves or the world. They form the backdrop against which we make all decisions for our relationships, our jobs, our ability to take risks, our inability to face change, and whether we thrive or merely survive.

In this work, we seek to go to the root of what is showing up in the present day as struggle, failure to thrive, and unhappiness, as well as physical injury, illness, and disease. The body is a bank of experiences, memories, and learned beliefs that when accumulated can show up as physical manifestations in the body as well as other life outcomes where we may feel stretched, overwhelmed, abandoned, fearful, alone or at the end of our rope. This work seeks to help clear the root cause of these circumstances so that true healing can occur, emotionally and mentally as well as physically, and profound life changes can be manifested. The world opens up, and life unfurls anew! Let's begin your unfolding journey together, shall we?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love


"Tiffany is magic! I am constantly amazed by her ability to gently and carefully lead me through difficult events with grace to the light at the end of the tunnel in one session!"


"Tiffany helped out daughter to navigate the pressures of high school, sports, expectations and emotions and we couldn't thank her enough!"


"When I'm feeling off, or worrying too much, I see Tiffany and I'm back on track again! She helps me to remember how to tune into my Self and any anxiety or worry I've been having will melt away. I always know that after I see her I'll feel a million times better! "


"I am so glad that Tiffany is on this planet doing what she is doing for the World. She is a healer with a capital H."


"We need to have more retreats like hers, more often! I'd come every week! It was food for my soul!"


"Tiffany's intention circle was incredible. I have never felt so moved and inspired. I felt the energy of really helping others flowing in that room and out to those we were supporting. It was out of this world"

"Healing is returning to the memory of our wholeness and perfection, a recollection and a re -
collection of the estranged pieces of ourselves. A reuniting of our soul parts. A remembering of
who we truly are."